Most popular questions:
What is a "midi" file?
MIDI means ' Numerical Interface for Musical instrument ' (Musical Instrument DIGITAL Interface.)
Created in 1983 by the manufacturers of synthetizers. The file format midi is a digital musical file which can be read by a computer or an electronic instrument supporting the MIDI format GM. (General Midi).
Contrary to the MP3 files which is an integral recording of the music, the midi format do not contain the sound of the instruments, but only the notes, the swiftness... and the types of instruments associated with each one of these notes. It is thus the sound card or the instrument (synthetizers) which generates the sounds for each played instrument.
The quality sound cards uses wavetables. This allowing to reproduce a sound of quality approaching the sonority of a true musical instrument.
Advantages of the midi format:
- This type of file is very small in volume (a few kilobytes for several minutes of music)
- It can be easily modified using an editor (Ex: Cakewalk).
- As the format is very small, it is easily integrable and Ideal for Web pages on the Internet.
- These files do not contain the signers voices, therefore ideal for the karaoké.
- sound quality depends on the quality of the sound cards witch is used to play the midi.
- musical arrangement of the midi that you can find on the Net are sometimes made by beginners and are thus not always of very good quality.
Related Topics:
Questions on music files format.
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