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User manuel for the DMK version 5 - Shortcut section

Here are the Keyboard Shortcuts of the DMK program:
In the Karaoke window:

Keyboard shortcuts for the karaoke window:

P OR Enter  : Play Music.
S OR End     : Stop Music.
A OR M        : Pause Music.

F4  : Show player.

F5  : Refresh the lyrics display.
F11  OR Double-click  : Switch from normal to full screen.

Alt + Key selected as shortcutsTo launch the selected item from the function
                                                         "Add a Shortcut to the Selected Item" from the context menu.

Space bar in synchronization mode: To capture time

In the Player window:

Hold the CTRL key down and click on one of the button "" to affect the current (displayed) directory of the program.

F5   : Update the list.
F8   : Create a Winamp format “playlist” file  from the list.
F9   : Display the audio recording console.
F10  : Display the Mp3 audio effect console.
F11   : Display the keyboard (Piano).
F12  : Update the time of the entire list. Press Escape to stop the process.

Alt + selected shortcut control:  To launch the selected item from the function
                                                               "Add a shortcut on the selected item" in the contextual menu.

Ctrl + A on a range in the list:  Select the whole elements from the list.

Ctrl + P or Ente: Play the music.

When the music is playing:

Ctrl + S or End: Stop the music.
Ctrl + M: Pause the music.
1: Play the previous selection.
2: Play the next selection.
3: Go back 20 sec.
4: Forward 20 sec.

In the Editor window:
By holding the ALT key of your keyboard down while clicking on this button , you can import the words over the words already present in karaoke list. Preserving the synchronization time value intact in the list.

It is possible to insert only one section of text in the karaoke list if you follow these steps:

  1. Select the line in the karaoke list where you wish to insert the new words.
  2. Highlight the text you wish to insert.
  3. Hold down the CTRL key while clicking this button.

To reset the time synchronization time starting from the selected line in the karaoke list until the end:

1. Select a line in the karaoke list,
2. Hold the CTRL key while clicking the button.

To modify the time value, from the selected line until the end of the karaoke list:

1. Select a line in the karaoke list and hold the CTRL key
2. hit one of the sign (+,-) of the button. It'll modify the time from that line to the end of the list.

Shortcut on selecting one item on the synchronization list:

Multiple selection:

- To make a multiple selection, first select the desired first line in the karaoke list.

F9 Indicate the beginning of the section. 

- Select the last line of your selection.

F10 Extend the section from the beginning of the section.
       The selected items will be displayed with a gray background.

- Select the destination.

F11 Copy the section after the selection list.
F12 Move the section after selecting the list.
- Click to clear the time or to remove rows from multiple selection:

To cancel the selection, press two times F9 on one line.

Other shortcuts:

Double Click OR Right Click to play from the selection.
Dot "." to erase the time of selection.

0   To clear time on selection.
F5 Set focus to Chord field.
F6 Set focus to Lyric field.

In keyboard (piano) shortcut mode:

To save a shortcut, click the desired piano key note by holding the ALT key.
To delete a shortcut, Right Click on the key note.


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